Basic English Grammar 본문
Basic English Grammar
세계적인 Bestseller 저자 Azar의 American English Grammar시리즈이며, Basic English Grammar는 순차적 문법설명 Pattern이 아닌 동사형태와 복합문법을 중심으로 문법을 학습할 수 있도록 구성되어 있습니다. 작은 분량의 다루기 쉬운 단원과 명료하게 만들어진 차트를 통해 영문 구조를 점진적으로 배울 수 있는 길을 제시하며 형태, 의미, 기본 구조의 사용을 공부하면서 동시에 다양한 의사소통 연습 문제를 풀 수 있습니다.
-재미있고 실생활에 적용할 수 있는 새로운 형태의 연습문제를 보강하였습니다.
-이해를 돕기 위해 일러스트레이션을 사용하였고 매 단계마다 문법을 기초부터 꼼꼼하게 짚어줍니다.
1. Using Be and Have
Noun + Is + Noun: Singular. Noun + Are + Noun: Plural. Pronoun + Be + Noun. Contractions with Be. Negative with Be. Be + Adjective. Be + A Location. Summary: Sentence Patterns with Be.Yes/No Questions with Be. Questions with Be: Using Where. Using Have and Has. Using My, Your, His, Her, Our, Their. Using This and That. Using These and Those. Asking Questions with What and Who + Be.
2. Expressing Present Time (Part 1)
Form and Basic Meaning of the Simple Present Tense. Using Frequency Adverbs: Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never. Using Frequency Adverbs with Be. Pronunciation of Final -s: /z/ and /s/. Spelling and Pronunciation of Final -es. Adding Final -S/-ES to Words That End in -y. Irregular Singular Verbs: Has, Does, Goes. Summary: Spelling and Pronunciation of -S and -ES. The Simple Present: Negative. The Simple Present: Yes/No Questions. The Simple Present: Asking Information Questions with Where. The Simple Present: Asking Information Questions with When and What Time. Summary: Information Questions with Be and Do. Using It To Talk about Time. Prepositions of Time. Using It to Talk About the Weather.
3. Expressing Present Time (Part 2)
Be + -ing: The Present Progressive Tense Spelling of -ing. The Present Progressive: Questions. The Simple Present vs. THE Present Progressive. Nonaction Verbs Not Used in the Present Progressive. See, Look at, Watch, Hear, and Listen to Need and Want + A Noun or an Infinitive. Would Like. Would Like vs. Like Think about and Think That There + Be. There + Be: Yes/No Questions There + Be: Asking Questions with How Many. Prepositions of Location.
4. Nouns and Pronouns
Nouns: Subjects and Objects. Adjective + Noun. Subject Pronouns and Object Pronouns. Nouns: Singular and Plural. Nouns: Irregular Plural Forms. Nouns: Count and Noncount. Using An vs. A. Using A/An vs. Some. Measurements with Noncount Nouns. Using The. Using (No Article) to Make Generalizations. Using Some and Any. Indefinite Pronouns: Something, Someone, Anything, Anyone. Indefinite Pronouns: Nothing and No One
5. Expressing Past Time
Using Be: Past Time. Past of Be: Negative. Past of Be: Questions. The Simple Past Tense: Using -ed. Past Time Words: Yesterday, Last, and Ago. Pronunciation of -ed: /t/, /d/,and /d/. Spelling of -ed: Verbs. Spelling of -ed: and -ing: Two-Syllable Verbs. The Simple Past: Irregular Verbs. The Simple Past: Negative. The Simple Past: Yes/No Questions. More Irregular Verbs. The Simple Past: Using Where, When, What Time, and Why. Questions with What. Questions with Who. Asking About the Meaning of a Word. More Irregular Verbs. Before and After in Time Clauses. When in Time Clauses.
6. Expressing Future Time
Future Time: Using Be Going to. Words Used for Past Time and Future Time. Using A Couple of or A Few with Ago (Past) and In (Future). Using Today, Tonight, and This + Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Week, Month, Year. Future Time: Using Will. Asking Questions with Will. Verb Summary: Present, Past, and Future Verb Summary: Forms of Be. Using What + a Form of Do. May/Might vs. Will. Maybe (One Word) vs. May Be (Two Words). Future Time Clauses with Before, After, and When. Clauses with If. Expressing Habitual Present with Time Clauses and If-Clauses. More Irregular Verbs.
7. Expressing Ability
Using Can. Using Can: Questions Using Know How to. Using Could: Past of Can. Using Very and Too + Adjective. Using Too Many and Too Much + Noun. Using TOO + Adjective + Infinitive. Using Too + Adjective + For (Someone) + Infinitive. Using Adjective + Enough. Using Enough + Noun and More + Noun. Using Enough + Infinitive. Using Be Able To. Polite Questions: May I, Could I, and Can I. Polite Questions: Could You and Would You. Imperative Sentences. Using Two, Too, and To. More about Prepositions: At and In for Locations. More Irregular Verb
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